“You Saw My Unformed Substance:” Abortion As Anti-Creation- Psalm 139:13-16

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Abortion is more than a political issue, it is a moral issue, along with other issues that society sees as political but are actually much more.

Psalm 139 talks about the depths of God’s understanding. And God has a plan for us even before we are born. When you understand God’s plan for humanity you understand that killing the fruit of the womb is entirely opposed to God’s plan.

Moral relativism abounds in the topic of abortion. Many believe it is essentially up to the woman to decide the value of a fetus.

Two key ideas:
1. Is God real?
2. Is the unborn human?

If you don’t believe in God, it really doesn’t matter what you do in regards to abortion. Everyone looks out for their own good. Also, if you don’t believe the fetus is human, it really doesn’t matter what you do. There is no moral standard outside of self anyway.

Key concepts to what is a human:
1. Genetic makeup – human DNA consists 23 pairs of chromosome
2. Species classification – homo sapiens classification is based upon shared genetic and physical traits
3. Physical characteristics – things like an upright posture, opposable thumbs…
4. Reproductive compatibility

The first two are evident within days of conception.

Thomason’s dying violinist analogy in an article titled “a defense of abortion” is typical of the defense pro-abortionists use that is based upon twisted logic and misconceptions. She tries to argue that abortion is not always unjust. Her argument is based upon assuming two things that are alike that actually are not.

Logical fallacies of her argument:
1. False analogy – she proceeds as if there is no difference between the natural and unnatural. This one failure undermines most of her argument
2. False equivalent – treats pregnancy like a medical problem, rather than a natural biological process created by God
3. Appeal to emotion – she uses absurd scenarios to points that are flawed logically e.g. what if pregnancy lasted 9 years….
4. Straw man arguments – over generalizing concepts such as right to life
5. Equivocation – using “kill” in inconsistent ways. Equates allowing natural death to shooting someone or other forms of murder

Biblical texts to consider:
1. Psalm 139:13-16. God is well aware of the process within the womb and David praises God for his creative abilities
2. Prov. 6:16-17. There are six things the Lord hates…. Hands that shed innocent blood…. If the unborn is human you are shedding innocent blood
3. Ex. 21:22-25
4. Jer. 1:5 – God consecrated Jeremiah before he was born
5. Isa. 49:1 – Isaiah is called from the womb
6. Luke 1:41, 44 – Elizabeth’s baby leapt in the womb when Mary came near.

The record of early Christians is not inspired, but it provides testimony about what they how they believed a follower of Christ should think about Abortion.

    1. “But the second commandment of the teaching is this: Thou shalt do not murder…thou shalt not procure abortion, or commit infanticide..”  (Didache 2.2, c. AD70-150 ).
    2. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor more than thine own soul. Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion, nor again shalt thou kill it when it is born. Thou shalt not withhold thy hand from thy son or daughter, but from their youth thou shalt teach them the fear of God” (Barnabas 19:5, AD 70-132)
    3. “But in regard to child murder, as it does not matter whether it is committed for a sacred object, or merely at one’s own self-impulse—although there is a great difference, as we have said, between parricide and homicide—I shall turn to the people generally. How many, think you, of those crowding around and gaping for Christian blood,—how many even of your rulers, notable for their justice to you and for their severe measures against us, may I charge in their own consciences with the sin of putting their offspring to death? As to any difference in the kind of murder, it is certainly the more cruel way to kill by drowning, or by exposure to cold and hunger and dogs. A maturer age has always preferred death by the sword. In our case, murder being once for all forbidden, we may not destroy even the fetus in the womb, while as yet the human being derives blood from other parts of the body for its sustenance. To hinder a birth is merely a speedier man-killing; nor does it matter whether you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is coming to the birth.” (Tertullian, Apology, 9.6, AD 155-220).

Abortion is not a new issue. These people walked with the apostles and this was what they said as they read scripture and listened to the apostles teaching.

We need to be equipped with some substance as we argue with people who make a case for abortion being morally acceptable. Hopefully this information will help.


Sermon by Brent Moody

Watch on Vimeo

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