Where Sin Increased, Grace Superabounded- Romans 5:12-21

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This is some of the most difficult text in Romans, in terms of grammar. There is a sentence which opens this reading that is never really answered. Maybe if we look at it this way it’ll make more sense.

In this passage Paul describes two world altering actions. Paul is laying side by side two cosmic events:
In Adam – sin and earth reign
In Christ – grace and life reign.






The chart above is no doubt oversimplified, but it gives us the major concept present in Romans 5:12-21

Maybe a visual illustration will help. Take a look at the picture below. We can analyze the picture to help us gain an understanding of what Paul’s trying to do in the text.

In the background is a dark figure. Dark but still easy to see. The one dark action of Adam stands as a single moment in which sin enters the world. Sin had not been in the world prior, but now it is. In a similar way, yet so much more grand in magnitude, Jesus’ single righteous act changes the entire world. That’s the big picture Paul wants us to see. The question is how does Jesus’ blood fix things?

Paul is using a rhetorical strategy, a comparison. He’s moving from the lesser to the greater (Adam to Christ). Also there’s a movement from darkness to light (Death to Life). Paul is very well trained in rhetoric, he knows what he’s doing. He is purposely laying Adam and Jesus side by side so we see the similarities, but also to show the massive difference. Let’s dig deeper.

Paul’s comparison highlights…
1. Reversal. “As one trespass led to condemnation…. One act of righteousness leads to justification and life…Rom. 5:18. While they are comparable, they are not equal – the act of Jesus is much greater, the effect is much greater. The second Adam – Jesus – is undoing the damage done by the first Adam. Jesus is far superior to Adam.
2. Power. “As sin reigned in death, grace also must reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom. 5:21. Through one sin, death reigned. This one sin brought separation between God and man. Death then spread because all sin. The flood comes because wickedness was everywhere. What Jesus did brings grace and life to all mankind. The Greek word translated superabounded is a word Paul makes up to illustrate the superior effect of grace over sin.
3. Transformation. “ by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.” Rom. 5:19. This is a transformation to a new and better humanity. We are all Adam’s offspring and as such, we all suffer the consequences of his one sin. When we are in Christ we are part of that dimension where grace and life abound. We are made new. We are no longer under the reign of sin and death.

There is a decision then to be made. Death in Adam or life in Christ? Each of us has to make this choice. What will you choose?


Sermon by Brent Moody

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