To Live Is Christ- Philippians 1:21

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Paul is conflicted by not knowing if he will be allowed to see the church at Philippi again or not, whether he will live longer or die. You can feel the tension that exists within him.

When we have a kingdom mindset, as Paul does, we can see that good can come from bad. We may feel that when we lose the good things of this world – our health, our goods, our family – we may feel all is lost. Not so with Paul. The feelings we may have do not match what reality is.

If I live for Christ, that means fruitful labor. He will continue to serve the Lord.

To live is Christ….
1. Live worthy of the gospel. The Greek word contains within it the idea of community- Conducting yourself with proper reference in relation to others. Your behavior reflects on more than just you as a person, it affects others as well. There are obligations that come with citizenship. Paul wants Christ to be honored in his body. This conveys a strong sense of devotion. There is an obligation to respond to Gods grace by walking in Christ. The concept of grace is a reciprocal relationship. We show our appreciation for Gods grace towards us by living in a manner worthy of that grace.
2. Struggle together for faith. Striving side by side conveys a strength in unity. The Greek term is found only twice in the New Testament, both in Philippians. Paul is telling them to stand together. This may mean that the faith referred to is the gospel. It can also mean that the gospel produces faith. Or it could mean faith in the gospel. It can mean all of these things. This is what it means to live in Christ. We need people we live side by side with to speak the truth to us.
3. Don’t live in fear. It’s so easy to get distracted by the world and to think that the things of the world really matter.

Tony lived this message. When you spoke with him, it was all about living for Christ. His zeal for God and His Word was palpable, it was contagious. But he also knew it was better to be with Christ.

Let us all do the same. Live for Jesus and die for Jesus.


Sermon by Brent Moody

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