“When You Fast” by Brent Moody

Matthew 6:16-18 The neglect of this spiritual discipline is evident in our society. So is it a commandment that I must fast? However, this isn’t about rules, it is about discipleship. This is in the area of practice as opposed to beliefs. There are no laws about physical exercise or what we eat. We pay attention to these physical practices to take the best care of ourselves possible. If we’re not careful however, this will become our primary focus. Fasting

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“Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus” by Brent Moody

Hebrews 12:1-2 It took 70 years to break the four minute mile and in the years after over 1000 runners followed suit. Roger Banister changed everything. He was the pioneer. Something had changed. The Hebrew writer says the same thing about Jesus. Something changed once he was here. As we run this race and follow Jesus, He is the focus. There are things that we can focus on to help us attain our goal, like thinking about heaven. But those

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“Family Feud: The Cost of Drama and Deception” by Brent Moody

Genesis 26-33 The story of Jacob and Esau. We will be focusing on chapter 27. Jacob is loved by his mother and Isaac loves Esau, the strong, hunter type. The name Jacob means to grab the heel, to cheat. Rebekah has been barren for 20 years and now that she is finally pregnant she asks the Lord why do I have this struggle? While the focus today is on mothers and sons, the principles behind the challenges Rebekah faced apply

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“The Discipline of Study” by Brent Moody

Ever have a song constantly running through your mind, you absentmindedly sing it not realizing? It’s a tune you’ve heard often that stays with you.How does that relate to the discipline of study, having the Word of God constantly then running through our minds?God expects His people to be in His Word. Deut. 6:5-9; 17:18-19; Josh. 1:7-8. Moses said to write the commandments of God on their doors, post them on their gates, so that whenever they walked in or

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“Serving, Welcoming, and Warning” by Brent Moody

Romans 15:14-16:27 Final lessons from Paul:1. My service is an offering, Rom. 15:14-33. Paul is careful in his wording to the church at Rome. He did not found it. He describes his ministry in priestly language. He gives all credit to Jesus and the Holy Spirit for the work that has been done there. Humble service is an offering to God for what He has done. When we work for God, He will work through us. Our service is not

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“Obedience is Better than Sacrifice” by Brent Moody

1 Samuel 15 Desiring to elevate his image and giving undue attention to other worldly matters, this king, Saul, disobeyed God. As a result, God told Samuel He regretted making Saul king. Saul is weak and not the type of man we should desire to be. Obstacles to obedience: 1. Casualness to God. We may be tempted at times to go the way of Saul, to go down our own road, ignoring God’s direction. The first thing Saul was told to

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Free 10 Day Spiritual Guide

Decker Prairie offers this 10 day guide as a way to introduce important concepts from Scripture. We hope it is a blessing to you on your journey to greater faith in God.