Helping Marriages
“…let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband” (Ephesians 5:33).

God’s plan for marriage is perfect. He values marriage so much that, throughout Scripture, God compares His love for His people to a marriage relationship. The problem is that our marriages are far from perfect because we are not perfect people and every marriage struggles with baggage and unmet expectations. Most of us settle for “good enough.” But God’s plan for marriage calls us to so much more.
At Decker Prairie, we want to build marriages into dynamic, intimate relationships according to God’s purpose. Through the power of the gospel, we know that broken people and broken relationships can be transformed by the life-saving truth of God’s plan.
At Decker Prairie, we have prioritized teaching biblical principles for marriage and fostered a community that cherishes this covenant relationship. You won’t find perfect people nor perfect marriages here. Decker Prairie is a place where your marriage will be encouraged and challenged to grow beyond “good enough” through God’s perfect plan.
Free Eight-Week Marriage Class
Decker Prairie church of Christ believes in the importance of teaching, and living, God’s plan for marriage. Matt and Jenn Schmidt, members at Decker Prairie and the founders of Intimate Covenant, offer eight-week marriage classes hosted periodically at the Decker Prairie church. If you need to talk to someone about your marriage, email