Finding Peace- Romans 5

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We’re in a period of time where there have been seemingly endless setbacks, disappointments and grief. At times like this it is helpful to be reminded of what God says about being at peace.

Jesus addressed this twice with His disciples in times of chaos and said peace, be still. We will look at this from our perspective and from God’s from the books of Ecclesiastes and Romans.

Deep down this is about justice. The world seems off, something is not right. Recognizing that actually has us on the right path. There is an answer.

1. Life isn’t fair. In Ecclesiastes the preacher has some of the same questions and he has unlimited resources to check those out. His conclusion is that life just isn’t fair. In 7:15 he says, I have seen everything in my life. The wicked endure. Someone who is righteous has his life cut short. But God will make all things right. Chapters 8 & 9 have a lot to say about the vanity of life on earth. Time and chance happen to us all. It’s so random. Despite all of this, the one who fears God will have all things work out in the end. There will be justice. Fear God and keep His commandments. Every deed will be brought to light. A lot of days will be dark. Just realize that. Does that give you peace? It should.
2. No one is righteous, Romans 3:10. When we only look at things through our eyes, there is no peace. In the first 3 chapters of Romans, Paul says everyone is condemned. We are all unrighteousness. The gap between us and God is massive because all of us sin. Life isn’t fair but none of us are righteous. Rom. 1:18. Before we can get to the peace, we have to understand the desperation. No one will be justified by their actions.
3. Peace is found in Christ alone, Rom. 5:1. Everyone needs Jesus. Peace doesn’t come through identity with some special group. You will not find peace by being “church of Christ.” You also won’t find peace by rejecting “church of Christ.” When we identify ourselves with anything other than Jesus Christ, we’re missing it. Justification and peace are found in Jesus. Nor will peace come from rejecting someone or some group. When you find the true source of peace, you can persevere through trials and difficulties. It’s a matter of priority in our thinking. We can be saved from the wrath of God by living for Jesus – that is where peace is found.
4. Life in Christ isn’t fair, Rom. 5:1-2; 8-11. But, Rom. 8:1 – for those in Christ, there is no condemnation. Everything will be brought back into right. Faith in Jesus is the way all things are brought right and made whole. We are more than conquerors through He who loves us.


Sermon by Brent Moody

Watch on Vimeo

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