Dogs, Trash, and Self-Righteousness- Phil 3:1-11

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It is hard for us not to be caught up in the physical. We are tribal by nature, we like to cling onto those like us. We’re caught up in our favorite sports teams, for example and we have negative thoughts about those teams that oppose ours. Our society has become one in which we are persuaded to hate those who oppose us. We’re really proud of our people and we look down on others. The problem with that is we are glorying in the wrong things.

Paul wants us to understand there is something much better than that – that true gain is found in Christ.

Gain Christ… give up…
1. Serving the dogs. The dogs are people who live by their own standards and, beyond that, they push their standards on others. So we need to be very careful about what we take in, who we listen to. There are people who want their own following, rather than following Christ. They are glorying in their own image. Then there are those who follow their heart – “how could God think this is wrong?” The arrogance of that thinking is evident. They justify what they are doing because it “feels right.”
2. Honoring trash. We need to give up valuing things that don’t matter. Not just bad movies or shows. There are things that in and of themselves are good. But when we elevate them to a level of super importance in our life, we are honoring trash. Paul is talking about heritage and tradition, very important especially to the Jewish Christians. They were caught up in the wrong things.They can’t take the loss of their status so they attack those responsible for changing it all. Identity found in anything other than Christ is just worthless. We need to keep things in proper perspective. It’s not easy – we live in a material world. It’s easy to get caught up in honoring things that do not matter, whether it’s wealth or beauty of our house, whatever it is.
3. Self-righteousness. We can get caught up in wondering if God will actually accept us when we know we’ve sinned. That may happen because we have our own standard of righteousness- Saul did that before he met Jesus on the road. He had his own form of righteousness and was firmly convinced he was doing God’s will. We need to realize the importance of humility. We need to look at what God considers good and right and holy. We need to be aware of our own biases and not bind things on people that Jesus hasn’t. When we understand how God has truly blessed us we will put our faith in Him and obedience to Him will naturally follow. This is a grace paradigm. It will lead us to desire to glorify Christ and not ourselves. “It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me” Gal. 2:20

For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ. Phil. 3:8

Sermon by Brent Moody

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