Deacon Responsibilities

For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.” 1 Tim 3:13

Coordinating Services

Assigning worship service responsibilities and finding substitutes when necessary. 

Outside Evangelism

Respond to supported evangelists in US and abroad; print out and post monthly reports; develop gospel meeting flyers and promote meetings.


Counting collections, making desposits, writing checks.


Setting curriculum, adult and children; assigning teachers; coordiate teacher training sessions; organize learning expectations by age group.

Building Maintenance

Manage all aspects of physical structure; coordinate new projects.


Ensure every visitor is greeted and introduced to at least one other person; Hand out visitor cards each service; ensure sufficient visitor cards in every pew; training for ushers and greeters; attendance.

Safety and Security

Coordinate all aspects of security, conduct regular training sessions for security team, monitor camera surveillance.

Technology Services

Website maintenance, social media content, live streaming, worship support (ie: sound, presentation), picture directory, and more.

Internal Training

Organizing and facilitating internal training sessions for members to enhance and elevate the quality of worship services.

Member Services

Help with member needs throughout the week; collect new member forms; assign new members to groups; change groups annually.

Miscellaneous Projects

Managing resources of building projects as they become available and scheduling periodic work days.

Free 10 Day Spiritual Guide

Decker Prairie offers this 10 day guide as a way to introduce important concepts from Scripture. We hope it is a blessing to you on your journey to greater faith in God.