Crushed But Unbroken- Psalm 34

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The Psalms speak to us as we go through various situations in our life. This Psalm is when David is running from Saul, who is trying to have him killed. He is hungry. But he sees that he can trust God, despite the difficulties he faces.

Near the end he says some things that are bigger than he is, that he possibly  didn’t even understand fully. David continues to arise from situations that could derail him. David’s words teach us how the righteous react to affliction and difficulty.

The righteous…
1. Promise a life of praise . He will praise God at all times, regardless of the circumstances he finds himself in. In our moments of joy, what we experience can carry us through the difficult times. What sets God’s people apart is the hope of new creation. There is something working far greater than us, a living hope we have been promised
2. Seek refuge in God. As David says, God sees us, and hears us. The eyes of the Lord are towards the righteous, His ears hear their cry, verse 15. Fear the Lord for those who do have no lack, verse 9. God is near, He provides.
3. Trust in God’s redemption. Deliverance is talked about in several places in this psalm. Affliction will come upon everyone but the difference is how people react when it happens. Verse 5 – those who look to Him are radiant. How is that possible? The only other time this word is used – radiant – Isaiah 60 – he says you shall see and be radiant and your hearts shall exalt – speaking of the joy that comes when God’s will is accomplished, when His plan is fulfilled through Jesus. If we will do what David says – to fear Him and walk in His way – the promise of deliverance in the end will be fulfilled in our lives.

Psalm 46 is very similar and strongly emphasizes the hope we have. God is near. He is here to help. Salvation and deliverance is tied up in the hope of being with God forever.


Sermon by Brent Moody

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