Monday Matters
An overview of what was covered during our services at Decker Prairie on Sunday

Free From Law, Bound to Christ- Romans 7
In chapters 6 and 7, Paul uses a literary structure where he asks a rhetorical question, “what then? “ Followed by the answer “by no means.” The flow of the argument is built around these questions and answers. Sometimes the “what then?” question is followed by “do you not know?”

Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ- Romans 6
Paul is returning to a question brought up in chapter 3 – why not keep sinning so grace will abound? In chapter 5 he brings up two big events – the first Adam who brought sin into the world and the one righteous act by Jesus who undid that sin,

Where Sin Increased, Grace Superabounded- Romans 5:12-21
This is some of the most difficult text in Romans, in terms of grammar. There is a sentence which opens this reading that is never really answered. Maybe if we look at it this way it’ll make more sense. In this passage Paul describes two world altering actions. Paul is
Having Been Justified by Faith- Romans 5:1-11
When Jacob fled from Laban and was heading back home the text tell us he was “Greatly afraid and distressed” at the thought of facing Esau. He had wronged his brother many years earlier. He left because of Esau’s plan to kill him. Their relationship was broken. Many of us
Abraham, Our Father by Faith- Romans 4
“What will we say? We have found Abraham to be our forefather according to the flesh?” (Romans 4:1). This is probably the most easily understood translation of verse 1, which is difficult grammatically (Porter, Romans, 86). Paul is talking to both Jews and Gentiles in the book of Romans. So
Is Emotional Worship Wrong? 2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles 13, 15
Nothing changes following the death of Uzzah for touching the ark, other than the way they carry it. David was excited to have it back in Jerusalem, as are the people. David’s wife figures into this story as she detested David for celebrating its return. (Aside – She is referred