Find purpose, a family, and become a better you.
- Worship Times
Sunday Worship 10:ooam
Bible Class 5:00pm
- Wednesday Bible Class 7:30pm
- Worship Times
- Sunday Worship 10:00am Bible Class 5:00pm
- Wednesday Bible Class 7:30pm

Jesus Focused

Imperfect People

Family Atmosphere

So many people are struggling ...
- to find meaning in life.
- to fix their brokenness.
- to find loving friendship.
- to see God working in their life.
What to Expect at Decker Prairie
Family friendly environment.
Leaders who listen.
Our aim is to get to know you and offer guidance to better your life.
No pressure.
Leaders who listen.
Our aim is to get to know you and offer guidance to better your life.
uplifting worship.
- 1. To worship God reverently. He has revealed what he expects and we strive to follow His will.
- 2. To encourage each other in our day to day walk of faith. Personal relationships are a vital part of our faith.
emptiness in their hearts.
We know what it is like to feel lost with nowhere to turn.
Join the 300+ people who have found hope and direction in life at Decker Prairie.
You Belong Here
Jerry and Debbie Jones
We were searching for a place of worship near our home in Tomball, and were blessed to find Decker Prairie Church of Christ – a church whose members are purely dedicated toward understanding the word of God and in mentoring the gospels. We placed membership two months after our first visit.
Christie Eaves
When we moved to Magnolia two of our four family members were not happy about leaving our former congregation. But it didn’t take long for each of us to feel welcomed as part of the family and to build great relationships. The people seemed to genuinely care about one another and about teaching the truth of the gospel. I find that Decker Prairie is a little different in that our elders try hard not to follow traditions of men, but seek out only what the scriptures teach about worship. With two great preachers, and many willing men, we always have a variety of lessons. I thank God for my Decker Prairie family.
Daniel and Julianne Baker
We were members at Decker Prairie for seven years before work took us away to another city. When my work situation changed we moved back to the Magnolia area specifically to worship at Decker Prairie again. The people here both young and old are simply amazing!
3 Easy Steps
Visit our Family
Follow the M.O.R.E. Spiritual Growth Plan
M.O.R.E. stands for:
• Mentorship.
• Overview of Scripture.
• Reflection & Refinement.
• Equipping.
What We Offer
Bible Class
Transformation comes by denying self and following Christ.
Find Hope at Decker Prairie
At the Decker Prairie church of Christ we believe people want to focus on what matters most in life. Over 80% of Americans believe in God, but they are so busy day to day it’s hard to consider what that means in daily life. When it does come to mind, there is so much chaos and confusion in the world finding peace of mind seems impossible. We believe no one should feel stuck in a confusing world that offers no hope. We have all experienced moments of doubt and despair. We believe God’s plan is the way to experience healing and hope in life. That’s why the Decker Prairie family provides guidance toward a meaningful relationship with God.
Here is how it works:
Listen Online
Our sermons and classes are bible focused and geared to help listeners grow. “The gospel…is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” (Romans 1:16).
Worship with our family
Community is the key to transformation.
A meaningful life involves deep relationships with like-minded people.
Follow the M.O.R.E. spiritual growth plan
M.O.R.E is a Scriptural approach to transformation. The key elements are Mentorship, Overview of God’s Word, Reflection & Refinement, and Equipping.